
I always had an aquarium, even when I was born, my grandfather had one with colourful fishes.
When I was 6 my mother and I moved to a new home, all the time I had one or more small aquariums...

In the beginning of 2005 I bought a 200 liter tank (100x40x50cm).
I had many small fishes and many plants, mainly aroids: Cryptocoryne and Anubias species.
In 2008 I encountered a serious problem - algae - on plants, stones, even on the glass.
I had algivorous fishes like Ancistrus sp., Gyrinocheilus siamensis and Crossocheilus sp.,
but they didn't eat this kind of algae.
I read that "silver dollars" may help, so I bought a few Metynnis luna
They also didn't eat the algae, but ate almost all my plants.
Here - what remained of my Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia a few months after buying these silver dollars.
Here - Anubias sp.
and another Cryptocoryne sp.
Because I prefer aroids than fishes, I sold all of them.
I read a lot about "aquatic" aroids growing emerse, so I wanted to create a riparium in the tank.
So looked my first riparium made in 2002, in a 20 liter tank.
I grew there Cryptocoryne pontederiifolia, Anubias barteri var. nana and Spathiphyllum cv.
I went further, I made a small greenhouse without water and gravel.
In these two bowls there were rescued remnants of the cryptocorynes
adapting to the new environement.
After two months, the cryptocorynes were already growing in pots.
Other plants grew faster and very healthy.
I can grow there only small plants, the taller ones,
like this Xanthosoma violaceum had its leaves burnt by the lamps.
I want to heighten the cover with lamps,
but my kitty wouldn't allow me, it is her favourite place for rest,
she sleeps on the warm cover almost all the day.
In the florarium the plants quickly root,
the roots are strong and long,
so it is an ideal place for propagation.
It is also perfect for rescuing plants damaged by too dry air,
I must often open the cover to exchange the air.
Some specimens bloom there, but the inflorescences don't last long.
The only plant that died there so far, was the semi-albino Spathiphyllum, but its fate was foredoomed.
Once even one species of fungus (Lepiota sp.?) grew there, in a pot with a bought in 2010 Alocasia 'Bambino Arrow'.
I don't know if it was beneficial or harmful for plants, I changed the soil in that pot (but it had enough time to spread the spores).
page created on 2011-02-22
last updated on 2011-02-22